Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A promise

Ausable Chasm, NY
I didn't make a resolution this year.
I'm not going to, either.

Rather, I've been focusing on living as I should, simply because I should.
As part of that focus, I've decided to write... and that's my promise to you.

From this Sunday until the end of the semester, I'm writing a 500 word (min.) essay every week. It will be for your eyes only (you faithful readers, you)...

And here's the best part:
You get to choose the topic!

Send me an email, post a comment on my most recent post, or message me on the big FB and I'll consider your choice. Topics that receive multiple nominations from different users receive higher priority, but please, nothing obscene.

My only caveat is that topic nominations are subject to my interpretations. Therefore, any topic might yield a piece of fiction or nonfiction, satirical or serious, dark or humorous, etc. For example, I offer you my first entry titled:

The Battle of the Boxes

They roll forward in waves of thousands, wending their way through the seemingly endless landscape of steel and concrete. For years we’ve fought off aimless bands of rogues, but somehow this is different. Never have I seen so many of these forces amassed in one place, gathered together for one purpose. The purpose to overwhelm us. Their onslaught begins just before daybreak, but our floodlights dispose of any element of surprise they might hope to gain.
From the start, they press in close enough that their tawny, thick hide rasps against mine, adding a subtle hiss to the clamor of the battle surrounding me. The rapid-fire clash of metal on metal plays a staccato beat against my skull through a haze, while the sound of my blade stabbing into my enemies presses into my consciousness .
            The glinting blade is short, but razor sharp; a weapon designed solely for the task of slashing through thick, dry skin, only to be sheathed seconds later. I take no prisoners, nor any unnecessary risks; only a battered and broken exoskeleton is left when I’m done, their treasured innards lay cold and still in the harsh light of the battlefield. I push them away rapidly, desiring only to rid my nostrils of their pungent, sickly odor.
            The periodic lulls in the overwhelming onslaught last just long enough for us to clear the spent figures from around us. At times, the inexorable forces knock me back to a seated position where I battle to regain my position. Our chief of command circles the battlefield, urging us onward. Though we feel doomed, we plunge onward, heeding his commands.
The Jamaican woman beside me breaks from her destructive task to mutter at the hopelessness of our fate. Though she never told me of her purpose on the battlefield, I can only assume she’s proficient with voodoo… It’s the only way to account for her presence here. Her dark skin bulges at her arms and waist, while thick beads of sweat sprout across her brow. She’s not accustomed to battle such as this, yet with her unintelligible grunts and curses she devastates as money or more of the opposing forces as I.
The great resounding alarm for retreat has pealed out twice already. We fall back into rank, have whatever repast we will, and attempt to bolster our morale for our next offense. The last one sounded ages ago, and my arms and heart grow heavy with hopelessness. As I stab and slash in a skirmish, my blade shatters against the dust covered exoskeleton, and I only receive salvation through a passing officer who throws me her own weapon.
As I stand over the last corpse of the latest wave, the slightest hint of a smile begins to spread across my sweat-drenched face. Between gasps of air, I realize none have come to replace the now collapsed wave. We are free from oppression. A bugler raises the victory cry as my heart soars with triumph.
We are victorious.

The topic for this piece was "Work" and is based on my recent stint as a temporary employee in a warehouse unwrapping goggle cases. I kept my sanity (questionable) by writing brief notes for this essay on my ipod during breaks. Facts were skewed and/or hyperbolized, but nothing could be considered blatantly untrue.

Hope you enjoyed, now what's my next topic?


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About Me

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I am a freelance writer and photographer, collector of experiences, adventure lover, and outdoor goer.
